
ERM Webinar、各国のスケジュール調整で延期の方向

前回のブログで今年のERM Webinarのアジア地域の電話会議の模様を報告したが、どうもヨーロッパ地域が当初の12月の初旬のスケジュールに間に合わないらしく、再調整の電話会議を10月29日金曜日の6時からおこなった。以下は、Pat Pumの議事録である。アジアとしては、1月10日の週を提案したが、その後のメールの更新でUSは合意したが、UKサイドが、それでも厳しいと紛糾している。

At today's conference call meeting, it was discussed that we should consider postponing the webcast to the week of 11-14 January 2011.  AP members,  if there is any reason why that week is not suitable, such as public holidays in your country, please let me know by next Monday.

Below are the brief notes of the conference call meeting, 29 Oct, 6 pm (Tokyo time):
Attendees: Hideyuki, Liyaquat, Mark and Pat

(1) To allow more time to prepare and market the webcast, it was agreed that we would postpone the webcast to next year.  A suggested time is the week of 11-14 Jan 2011 (10 Jan is a public holiday in Japan).    Mark hopes to have the webcast date confirmed as quickly as possible as he plans to start preliminary marketing of the event .  Pat should contact AP Committee members to get their feedback on the proposed timing as early as possible.

(2) The speakers of the AP live sessions have been recruited.  Hideyuki will follow up with Mary on the presentation titles of the Australian speakers.

(3) The Committee still needs to decide which presentations from the UK/US/Europe programs should go into the recorded session.   Hideyuki suggested 3 presentations from the UK program and Mark will assist to secure agreement from the respective speakers.  The AP group should review the list of US presentations (sent by Dave Ingram) and select at least 2 presentations from the list.  Hideyuki's preference is for presentations 5B and 6E.

(4) To facilitate the marketing, Hideyuki and Mary will work on coming up with a description of the AP session.

(5) Jacqunette  is expected to  have a discussion with the heads of each region next week to finalise the webcast date.

Thank you.



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