
第4回Global ERM Webinar無事に終了

前回のブログを書いてから、転職直後のさまざまな業務に追われて、アップデートの時間が全くとれずにいたが、2011年1月14日(金曜日)に、かねてから準備していた第4回Global ERM Webinarを無事に終了したので、ここに報告しておきます。アジア地域のプログラムは、以下の通りであるが、最初に日本の金融庁の三輪課長補佐に、日本の保険監督とERMの方向性についてお話いただいた。フィールドテストの状況や、内部モデルにも言及されている。

AP Region
10:00 - 10:10 am ERM Webinar Global Chairman's introduction speech Recorded 10 mins N/A Jules Constantinou
10:10 - 10:15 am IAA President speech --Part 1 Recorded 5 mins N/A Cecil Bykerk
10:15 - 10:30am (1) Asia Pac Introduction (live) Live 5 mins Hideyuki Yoshida Hideyuki Yoshida
10:30- 11:00am Recent regulatory developments in insurance in Japan and ERM Live 30 mins Hideyuki Yoshida Jumpei Miwa
11:00- 11:30am Global issues and Asian influences Live 30 mins Sanchit Maini Penny Fosker
11:30 -12:00noon Creating Risk Awareness in Insurance Business in Indonesia Live 30 mins Halim Gunawan Gatot Herliyanto
Q&A to be included in each presentation Live N/A
12:00 - 12:10 pm Break 10 mins
12:10 - 12:15 IAA President speech --Part 2 Recorded 5 mins Cecil Bykerk
12:15 - 1:15 pm (2) Best of IAAust (live) - Intro Live 5 mins Mary Liao Mary Liao
Risk Appetite ??Benefits & Practicalities of Implementation Live 25 mins Mary Liao Kent Griffin
Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis Live 25 mins Mary Liao Warwick Young
Q&A Live 5 mins
1:15 - 1:25 pm Break 10 mins
1:25 - 1:30 pm Brief Introduction of Pre-recorded session Live 5 mins Alycia Slyck
1:30 - 2:30 pm (3) Best of US/UK/EU (recorded)
The Human Element:The Theory of Plural Rationalities(US) Recorded 15 mins Alycia Slyck Michael Thompson
Optimal structure and governance of ESGs in a Solvency II world(EU) Recorded 10 mins Alycia Slyck Elliot Varnell + Parit Jakhira
Robust portfolio construction in the presence of fat tails Recorded 10 mins Alycia Slyck Malcolm Kemp
Risk adjusted performance measurement working party (UK) Recorded 10 mins Alycia Slyck Andrew Smith
2:30 - 2:35 pm IAA President speech --Part 3 Recorded 5 mins Cecil Bykerk
2:35 - 2:45pm Concluding remarks from Global Chairman Recorded 5 mins Jules Constantinou

私自身は、アジア地域の組織委員会の委員長の役割で、最初のスピーチと、三輪課長補佐のプレゼンのモデレーターを務めた。いずれ、録音版が視聴できるようになるので、当日聞けなかった方は、録音版を聞くことは可能である。私の最初のIntroduction speechは、以下のとおりであった。
Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome everyone to the 4th global ERM webcast Asia Pacific region program.
My name is HideyukiYoshida, I am regional chair of the Asia pacific ERM Webcast committee. I am Head of Analytics at Aon Benfield Japan LimitedI have been involved as a practitioner in the insurance industry for over 30 years. I am currently chairman of The Institute of Actuaries of Japan’s International Relations Committee and a board Member of the Institute.I served as Chairman of the International Association of Consulting Actuaries from 2008 to 2010. And at present I am chairman of the Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries.

I would like, first of all, to thank Mr.Jules Constantinou(of Gen ReUK), global chair of this year’s ERM Webcast. He has already referred to change and diversity in his introductory remarks and I believe the individual presentations that follow will reflect how these changes are occurring on a global scale. We are all aware of what a big task it has been to co-ordinate this entire webcast and we are very grateful for his efforts in bringing this together. I believe you will all find his concluding remarks of particular interest.

This year, we are specially honored to welcome the new president of the IAA, Mr. Cecil Bykerk; he has graciously accepted our invitation to speak at the annual ERM Webcast program. You have already heard briefly from Mr. Bykerk, in his introduction of the IAA and ERM. He will be addressing us again, after midday break to talk about research into risk management. This afternoon, he will introduce the concept of a global CERA credential.We are all very grateful to him for sharing his valuable time.
Finally, I would like to say thanks to the Asia Pacific regional committee members, Liyaquat Khan of India, Mary Liao of Australia, and Pat Kum of China.
We will be listening to three presentations
Recent Regulatory Developments in Insurance in Japan and ERM
Moderator: Hideyuki Yoshida, AON Benfield Japan
Presenter: Jumpei Miwa, FSA (Japan)

Global Issues and Asian influences
Moderator: SanchitMaini, Max New York Life Insurance Co., LTD
Presenter: Penny Fosker, Towers Watson, Hong Kong

Creating Risk Awareness in Insurance Business in Indonesia
Moderator: HalimGunawan,
Presenter: GatotHerliyanto, FSAI (Indonesia)

As you are probably aware, the Asia Pacific region consists of many diverse countries and economies, unlike the relative homogeneity of North America or the European Union. Some Asian countries suffer low interest rate environments,whereas others are experiencing hyper-inflationary trends. From the presentations to follow, you should gain valuable prospective of the way each country is managing the situation.
I would now like to introduce our first presenter, Mr. JumpeiMiwa, the Deputy Director of the Insurance Business Division Supervisory Bureau of Japan’s Financial Services Agency. He will be speaking about “Recent regulatory developments of insurance in Japan and ERM enhancements”. I will now hand over to Mr. Miwa.

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