
さようならPwC、AON Benfield Japanに転職

私事ではあるが、11月25日付であらた監査法人を退職して、AON Benfield Japanという会社に、昨日26日から就職した。24日には、12年間お世話になったPwCのパートナーやアクチュアリーグループの皆様から心温まる送別会を設けてもらった。自分としては、1999年の3月にPwCの東京にアクチュアリービジネスユニットを立ち上げて欲しいと頼まれて、明治生命を退職して種々のコンサルティング業務やM&AのDue Diligenceを受注したりして、Revenueを確保しながら、必死でチームを大きくしていった。後半は監査業務に関与するようになり、監査の責任の重さを感じながら会計士の皆さんとともに保証業務というものの何たるかを学んだ。保険会計についても、IFRS Insurance Contractで、様々な場面で外部での講演もさせてもらった。この間を振り返ると感無量である。今回もヘッドハンターからの一本のカリフォルニアからの電話で始まった。色々考えた末に、保険IFRSもEDが出たところで一定の区切りができたので、今後世界のアクチュアリー・プロフェッションが進むべき方向「リスク管理のプロフェッショナル」を目指すのに、AON Benfield Japanの仕事は、軸足をリスク管理や再保険に移していけるので最適と考えて転職を決意した。
私の担当は、Aon Benfield Analiticsの日本でのヘッドとなり、Analiticsとは、グローバルに調査研究開発を統括するコンサルティング部門の名称になる。その下には、
Actuarial, Catastrophe Management, Rating Agency Advisory, Risk & Capital Strategy
昨日は、早速、AON Benfield Japanの皆様に歓迎会を催してもらい、温かく迎えられて大変うれしく感謝の気持ちでいっぱいである。添付した写真は、グローバルの親会社ニューヨーク証券取引所上場会社、AON CorporationのChicago本社ビルである。次のリンクが会社の説明の参考になる。


日本アクチュアリー会年次大会で 「The Day After Tomorrow Part 2」を発表

11月17日18日と日本アクチュアリー会の年次大会が開催された。国際関係委員会からは、「The Day after Tomorrow for Insurers Part2」と題して、金融危機後の世界各国の保険規制強化の動向と保険業界への影響、アクチュアリーへの影響を昨年度のフォローとして発表した。最初は、Steve Sarjant 氏に基調講演を通訳付きで45分お願いした。そののちに、国際関係委員会の三つの機能別部会からの発表で、最初はFinancial Reporting部会の嶋田さんからMECVを軸として見たときの、IFRS, SolvencyIIの技術的論点について、比較表で発表いただいた。次にERM Webinar部会の飯島さんから、昨年度のERM Webinarの概要について、金融危機との関連に焦点を当てて発表いただいた。最後に商品部会の野上さんから、中国市場の動向についてお話いただいた。私自身は、オーガナイザーとして司会役を務めさせていただいた。結構の盛況で会場の参加者も多数で、委員会のメンバー全員には早速お礼のメッセージを発信しておいた。また、発表資料については、アクチュアリー会の会員専用ホームページからダウンロード可能であるので、興味のある方は、是非、参考にしていただきたい。

■第1会場(東京ステーションコンファレンス 501号室)
15:35 ~ 17:05
「The Day after Tomorrow for Insurers Part2」
あらた監査法人 吉田 英幸 君
タワーズワトソン Steve Sarjant 氏

タワーズワトソン 嶋田 以和貴 君

ミューニック・リー 飯島 博幸 君

ハノーバー・ライフ・リー 野上 憲一 君


セミナー・インフォで保険IFRS EDとIAAコメントの方向につき講演






ERM Webinar、各国のスケジュール調整で延期の方向

前回のブログで今年のERM Webinarのアジア地域の電話会議の模様を報告したが、どうもヨーロッパ地域が当初の12月の初旬のスケジュールに間に合わないらしく、再調整の電話会議を10月29日金曜日の6時からおこなった。以下は、Pat Pumの議事録である。アジアとしては、1月10日の週を提案したが、その後のメールの更新でUSは合意したが、UKサイドが、それでも厳しいと紛糾している。

At today's conference call meeting, it was discussed that we should consider postponing the webcast to the week of 11-14 January 2011.  AP members,  if there is any reason why that week is not suitable, such as public holidays in your country, please let me know by next Monday.

Below are the brief notes of the conference call meeting, 29 Oct, 6 pm (Tokyo time):
Attendees: Hideyuki, Liyaquat, Mark and Pat

(1) To allow more time to prepare and market the webcast, it was agreed that we would postpone the webcast to next year.  A suggested time is the week of 11-14 Jan 2011 (10 Jan is a public holiday in Japan).    Mark hopes to have the webcast date confirmed as quickly as possible as he plans to start preliminary marketing of the event .  Pat should contact AP Committee members to get their feedback on the proposed timing as early as possible.

(2) The speakers of the AP live sessions have been recruited.  Hideyuki will follow up with Mary on the presentation titles of the Australian speakers.

(3) The Committee still needs to decide which presentations from the UK/US/Europe programs should go into the recorded session.   Hideyuki suggested 3 presentations from the UK program and Mark will assist to secure agreement from the respective speakers.  The AP group should review the list of US presentations (sent by Dave Ingram) and select at least 2 presentations from the list.  Hideyuki's preference is for presentations 5B and 6E.

(4) To facilitate the marketing, Hideyuki and Mary will work on coming up with a description of the AP session.

(5) Jacqunette  is expected to  have a discussion with the heads of each region next week to finalise the webcast date.

Thank you.




今年度のERM Webinarの電話会議(9月14日)

米国アクチュアリー会主導でおこなわれてきたGlobal ERM WEbinarも4年目に入るが、今年は北米、欧州、そしてアジアとやはり3地域に分けて実施するが、必ずしも同一の日にせず、セッションの内容も各地域に自主性を持たせることになった。以下は、9月14日に行ったアジア地域の委員の電話会議の議事録である。

Asia Pacific Region ERM Webinar Subcommittee

Conference call meeting
14 September 2010, 3 pm – 4 pm (HK time)

1 Hideyuki Yoshida, Chair APACA and Chair of IAJ's International Committee
2 Liyaquat Khan, Executive Director APACA
3 Mary Liao, Institute of Actuaries of Australia
4 Pat Kum, Actuaries' Office Hong Kong


1 Date of ERM Webinar: 3rd December 2010

2 Structure:
► 4 sessions in 4 hours
► Present live sessions before recorded sessions
► Program:
15 mins IAA President’s opening remarks ‘live’
105 mins Asia Pac ‘live’
60 mins Best of IAAust ‘recorded’ or ‘live’
60 mins Best of US/UK ‘recorded’

3 Contents:

► For AP session (live)
• Choose from topics of Financial Risks, Other Risks, Regulatory issues plus 4 topics proposed by Mary:
1. operational risk is becoming an increasing area of focus for insurers
2. lessons learnt from the GFC in terms of effective and ineffective risk management
3. the role of risk appetite, and how to cascade from Boards to the business (Kent Griffin, E&Y)
4. harmonising risk measurement across banks and insurers, both from a regulatory perspective and internally as financial conglomerates are dominating the financial services industry in Australia (Kent Griffin, E&Y)
• Allocate 50 mins to regulatory and 50 mins to no-regulatory issues.

► IAAust session (recorded or live)
• Mary will check if the IAAust and speakers are willing to share their ERM program with the Global ERM Webcast and the length of the presentation
► US/UK global perspective session (recorded)
• Society of Actuaries in the US and the UK Actuarial Profession are to recommend presentations on global ERM issues from their Best of ERM programs
• Pat is to follow up with the SOA and UKAP representatives


当セミナーは、SOA(米国アクチュアリー会)、CAS(米国損保アクチュアリー会)、Joint Risk Management Section(SOA・CAS・CIA(カナダアクチュアリー会)共同のセクション)、The Faculty and Institute of Actuaries(UK)、オーストラリア・アクチュアリー会、日本アクチュアリー会で共催されるウェブによるセミナー。

◇ 平成22年12月3日(金) (開始時間は未定。決定次第連絡)
時間 トピックス
15分 国際アクチュアリー会(IAA)次期会長 Cecil Bykerk のスピーチ
105分 アジア地域の各国当局のERM/ソルベンシー関係の規制等・その他 (LIVE)
60分 オーストラリアTBDのERM実務(オペリスク等) (LIVE or RECORDED)
60分 北米及びヨーロッパのERM実務TBD(グローバルな視点から) (RECORDED)
・LIVE: 各地域それぞれ3人程度のスピーカーが、実情・実践状況を報告し、議論する形式


APACA の第三回 Executive Committee meeting議事録


APACA 3rd Executive Committee meeting
Minutes (as approved by circulation)
Date: 15 09 2010
Time: 18:30 hrs to 19:30 hrs (Tokyo Time)
Modus: via concall
1. Welcome and Roll call by Hideyuki Yoshida
Members present;
1) Hideyuki Yoshida, Japan - Chair
2) Liyaquat Khan, India - Executive Director
3) Patrick Cheah, Malaysia - Member
4) Haris Sontoso, Indonesia - Member
5) Yin Lawn, Taiwan - Member
6) Andrew Leung, Thailand - Member
7) Adrian Waddingham, UK - Advisor
Members not present;
1) Ken Buffin
2) Ken Hohman
3) Nick Salter
4) Grace Jiang
5) Martin Stevenson
6) Wong Ka-Man
7) Mark Saunders
8) Ken Sugita
9) Risza Bambang
10) Chan Young Han
11) Gavin Maistry
2. Confirmation of the minutes of the 2nd EC meeting held on 23rd March 2010 - by Liyaquat Khan
The minutes having been approved by circulation earlier, were taken on record.
3. Activity Status Report since 2nd EC on 23 03 2010 - by Liyaquat Khan
The Agenda Note circulated was discussed and taken on record.
4. APACA Membership status and Action Plan - Liyaquat Khan
The Agenda note (excel sheet giving member status and target numbers) was discussed. Key deliverables;
 Target number of members by Dec. 2011 for Indonesia was large and Haris suggested it to be reduced to 25.
 Target numbers in respect of other APACA Region countries to be revised in consultation with respected EC members from those countries and the actuarial associations.
 It was suggested and agreed that letter to IACA members from APACA region countries who have not yet become APACA members, be sent confirming that they have been enrolled as APACA members at no cost, but if they did not want to be so, should say so.
 Issue of APACA members’ value proposition came up and it was agreed that this aspect be articulated so that existing and prospective APACA members should clearly know what-is-in-it for them. The letters to be sent to prospective APACA members should clearly spell this out.
 It was taken on record that good number of persons have applied for APACA membership without being IACA member. It was decided that the invitation letter as has been sent by now be modified to include better clarity on this aspect.
5. SOA AP Region ERM Webinar 3rd Dec. 2010 – Hideyuki
Hideyuki briefed. The role of AP ERM committee is to resource presenters on topics agreed to and other aspects such as financials and marketing will be taken care of by the Central Organising Committee, hosted by Society of Actuaries in the US. It was decided that Liyaquat will request each APACA EC member to find potential speakers from his/her countries ASAP.(Likely to be consultant, but Industry speakers are also welcome.)
6. Seminar on Life & Family Takaful organised by Actuarial Society of Malaysia in December 13-14, 2010 – Patrick Cheah
Patrick briefed. APACA region EC members be requested to market it.
7. 13th GCA, Feb 2011, Mumbai India – Liyaquat Khan
Liyaquat Khan briefed.
8. 16th eaac , Oct. 2011 – Patrick Cheah
Patrick briefed that a draft skeleton program has been drawn up and will be forwarded to EAAC after deliberations by the EAAC organizing committee. This should be given out sometime end of October.
9. y2012 Jt Colloquium in Hong Kong – Wong Ka-Man./Hideyuki
In absence of Wong Ka-Man Hideyuki stated that the subject was discussed in the previous IACA Committee meeting and he would circulate the minutes to APACA Executive, when available.
10. Any other matter.



Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries

August 17, 2010
Dear IAJ members

We cordially invite you to join the Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA), which was launched in October 2009 immediately following the 15th East Asian Actuarial Conference (EAAC) in Seoul, South Korea.

Those of you who are IACA members can join by following link given hereinafter and those who are not may need to join IACA on line by following procedure as given on the IACA Section of the IAA Website. (Register)

To learn more about APACA, please review its rules, which were formally approved by the IACA Committee in August 2010.

Joining APACA enables you to be part of a movement that has as its aim to facilitate, accelerate and be a catalytic agent of growth for the actuarial profession in the APACA region. In addition, if you are an existing IACA member, you may join the association at no additional cost; all you have to do is register!

The 17 members of the APACA Executive along with five advisors are determined to expand the profile of the actuarial profession in the region. Whether you are a consultant, in the insurance/pensions industry, part of the actuarial service providers or retired, you too can be part of this initiative that will help advance the actuarial profession in the APACA region.

We invite you to be part of the APACA initiative. Please register your interest as soon as possible by visiting the following address: www.actuaries.org/IACA/APACA/membership.cfm.


Hideyuki Yoshida   Liyaquat Khan
Chair           Executive Director

Visit us at:



APACA (Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries) Rules(定款)については、以前にドラフトを紹介しているが、IACA委員会の承認手続きで多くの意見がでて修正を何度も施し、APACA委員会全員17名の賛成投票を経て、ようやくIACAの承認を得た。8月5日付けのことである。APACAの歴史にとって記念すべき日になるであろう。第二章に記述された目的は、ミッション・ステートメントであり、今後のアジア経済の発展とともにアジア諸国のコンサルティング・アクチュアリー業界がともに協力して様々な活動を行っていこうとするものである。

Name Role in APACA Country
Hideyuki E. Yoshida Chair Japan
Ken Buffin Vice Chair USA
Liyaquat Khan Executive Director/Treasurer India
Ken Hohman CCA delegate USA
Nick Salter ACA delegate UK
Grace Jiang APACA member China
Patrick Gin Guan Cheah APACA member Malaysia
Martin Stevenson APACA member Australia
Wong, Ka-Man APACA member Hong Kong
Mark Saunders APACA member Hong Kong
Ken Sugita APACA member Japan
Risza Bambang APACA member Indonesia
Haris Eko Santoso APACA member Indonesia
Chan Young Han APACA member Korea
Yin Lawn APACA member Taiwan
Andrew Leung APACA member Thailand
Maistry, Gavin APACA member Singapore
Adrian Waddingham Advisor UK
Brent Walker Advisor Australia
Chris Daykin Advisor UK
Jay Jaffe Advisor USA
Stuart Leckie Advisor Hong Kong

APACA Rulesの全文は、IAAのホームページに早速掲載されたが(リンクは次のとおり)、ここに全文を引用する。

Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries

RULES of the Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA)
(ver. 1.00/May2010) – confirmed by the IACA Committee [ref.: e mail by Margaret Sherwood dt. 5th August 2010 to IACA Committee]

Article I - Name, Organizational basis, and Location

Section 1. Name: This organization shall be named “Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries,” hereinafter referred to as the “APACA.”
Section 2. Organizational basis: The APACA, a sub-section of International Association of Consulting Actuaries (IACA), a section of the International Actuarial Association (IAA), is a not-for-profit organization and is subject to relevant provisions of the IACA rules..
Section 3. Functional Jurisdiction and Location: The functional jurisdiction of APACA shall be the countries falling within geographic areas commonly called South Asia and Asia-Pacific (hereinafter referred to as the APACA Region) and its office shall be the same as that of IACA. However, APACA may relocate its administrative office to any of the countries within the APACA region.
Section 4. Maintenance of Records and Website: All books and records of the APACA including minutes, records of account, records of members, rules, etc., shall be kept as such records of IACA are kept. The APACA Website shall be a section of the IACA Section Website on the IAA Website.

Article II – Objectives

Article 2 of IACA rules provide:
i) To facilitate the exchange of views and information on an international basis among consulting actuaries on matters affecting their professional responsibilities and business interests.
ii) To encourage and assist in the development of consulting actuarial associations in locations where there is an identifiable need for actuarial skills.

In pursuance of the above IACA Objectives, the APACA is expected to:
• achieve the second objective of the IACA rules for the countries
within the APACA Region;
• enhance actuarial consulting capacity in the APACA region and
facilitate growth of the consulting market;
• create a networking framework among the consulting actuaries.
Within the framework of the above provisions, the key objectives of APACA shall be to:
1) organize IACA sessions in each biennial EAAC conference:
2) arrange more frequent meetings on an “as needed” basis, for example joint seminars or web casts with local and/or other actuarial associations;
3) meet with politicians, government officials and other bodies (in conjunction with local actuarial associations where appropriate) to influence legislative developments which affect actuarial consulting;
4) create and maintain a membership database so as to facilitate networking activities and extending other services to APACA members;
5) promote and maintain high professional and ethical standards among its members;
6) enable actuaries engaged in consulting practice and recipients of consulting advice to discuss common issues;
7) promote the interchange of information among actuaries and the various actuarial organizations;
8) keep the public informed of the profession and of the responsibilities of the professional actuary in practice;
9) residual functions: to take all other actions that are considered necessary for enhancement of status of consulting actuaries in the APACA region.

In order to achieve these objectives, APACA shall hold meetings, publish proceedings and discussions, conduct studies, make or sponsor investigations, and undertake such other activities as may appear desirable and necessary.

Article III - Membership

APACA members have to be ordinary members of IACA and thus:
i) any existing IACA ordinary member irrespective of place of residence can opt to be a member of APACA;
ii) any new IACA ordinary member at the point of admission may indicate whether APACA membership is required;
iii) all rules of membership of IACA apply ipso facto to APACA members;
iv) the APACA membership has to be coterminous with IACA membership.

Article IV - Meetings of the APACA

Section 1. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the APACA shall be held each calendar year at such place as is designated by the APACA Executive Committee. All APACA members and Advisors (as defined in Article 7) shall be entitled to participate in the AGM.
E mail notice of the date and place of the AGM shall be sent to the membership by the Executive Director at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such meeting. For all meetings, attendance by a member whether in person or through conference call shall constitute a waiver of this notice provision.
The AGM shall conduct the business as set by the Executive Committee for each such AGM and this shall include at least the following;
a) To carry out the elections in accordance with these rules, if due,
b) To approve the Executive Director’s report and the Treasurer's report,
c) To approve the annual budget for the immediately succeeding year,
d) To approve the annual membership fees for APACA.

Section 2. Business Meetings. Business meetings either in person or through conference call shall be held as often as decided by the Executive Committee or the Chairperson, provided that at least four meetings shall be held in each calendar year. Only Executive Committee members and Advisors may attend business meetings. An e mail notice of each such meeting shall be sent at least ten days in advance.
Section 3. Voting. Each member and Advisor attending the AGM, and each Executive Committee member [and Advisor] attending a business meeting, will be entitled to cast one vote upon all matters brought before the meeting. There shall be no voting by proxy at any meeting.
Section 4. Quorum. The quorum required to conduct any business shall be one-tenth (1/10) of the APACA members for the AGM and fifty percent of the Executive Committee for the business meetings.

Article V – The Executive Committee

Section 1. Composition. The Executive Committee of the APACA shall consist of not more than eighteen elected members by procedure as prescribed herein after, excluding the Vice-Chairperson nominated by the IACA Committee, provided, however, that the first set of Executive Committee members including officers shall be nominated by the IACA Committee and shall not be treated as elected members for the purpose of these rules.

Section 2. Responsibility. The Executive Committee is responsible to the IACA Committee.

Section 3. Election and Term of Office. All members of the Executive Committee shall be members of IACA. The first Executive Committee including the officers shall continue in office until the AGM in the year 2014, when one third of those members shall retire. One half of the remaining members of the first Executive Committee will retire at the AGM in 2015 and the others will retire at the AGM in 2016. In each case fractions will be ignored and the retiring members will be chosen by drawing lots if necessary.
At each AGM of the APACA, beginning with the AGM in the year 2014, an election will be held to fill the vacancies on the Executive Committee created by retirements. Each such elected member will serve for a period of three years from the date of the AGM. Additional members of the Executive Committee shall be elected as needed to fill any existing vacancy, and will serve for the unexpired term.
An elected member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election at the expiration of his or her term of office, provided that no member shall be eligible for re-election after having served as a member for two immediately prior consecutive terms for which he or she was elected, disregarding any period for which he or she was elected to fill a casual vacancy.
Any member ineligible for re-election under the preceding paragraph shall be eligible for election as a member after a period of one year has elapsed since he or she last served as an elected member of the Executive Committee.
No election to the Executive Committee shall cause more than three members from any one firm, proprietorship, or organization to serve as Executive Committee members at the same time.

Section 4. Duties. Subject to the provisions of Article X, the Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the APACA. It shall fill all casual Executive Committee vacancies, for a period up to the next AGM, occasioned by death or resignation or from any other cause; authorize the appointment of such committees as it may deem necessary for the conduct of its affairs; appoint the members of any audit committee; promulgate rules of professional conduct for members of the Executive Committee and interpretations relating thereto; authorize the compensation of all employees; and assign any additional duties to officers and committees.

Section 5. Accounting Practice. The Executive Committee shall manage their accounting in compliance with standard accounting practice.

Section 6. Discharge. Other than on death, resignation or expiration of office, a member of the Executive Committee may be discharged :
a. On ceasing to be a member of the APACA,
b. In the event of his or her permanent disability,
c. To rectify a breach of the limit on the number of members from one organization prescribed in Article V, section 3.

Article VI - Officers

Section 1. Composition. The Officers of the APACA shall consist of a Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons, one of which shall be nominated by the IACA Committee, and an Executive Director cum-Treasurer. However in due course and as and when decided by the Executive Committee, there shall be appointed, in addition to the Executive Director, one Secretary-cum-Treasurer or a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall be members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Election and Term of Office. At each alternate AGM of the APACA, beginning with the AGM in year 2014, the Executive Committee members present, by a vote of a majority, shall elect from among the members of the incoming Executive Committee, separately and in the order named, a Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson and an Executive Director-cum-Treasurer, to serve from the close of that AGM for two years.
In the event that the office of the Chairperson becomes vacant, the Vice Chairperson not being a nominated Vice-Chairperson, shall serve as Chairperson until the next AGM at which officers are elected.
A Vice-Chairperson shall not be eligible for re-election at the meeting when he or she has served as Vice -Chairperson for a period of two consecutive years.
A retiring Chairperson who was elected as Chairperson shall thereafter be permanently ineligible for election to the office of Chairperson.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-Chairperson not being a Vice-Chairperson nominated by IACA, or the Executive Director or any other officer/s created in due course, the Executive Committee shall, by majority vote of the whole Executive Committee, elect a successor to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
Section 3. Duties. In addition to such duties as may be assigned to officers from time to time by the Executive Committee, the officers shall perform the following:
a) Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all Business meetings and the Annual Meeting and shall appoint all Sub-Committees, Working Groups, and Task Forces as are authorized by the Executive Committee.
b) Vice-Chairpersons. Each Vice Chairperson shall have such duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson or by the Executive Committee.
d) Executive Director - cum- Treasurer. The Executive Director shall record and file minutes of all business meetings and the Annual Meeting; send all notices of meetings; oversee the APACA affairs; and in general perform all customary duties of the office of the Executive Director.
e) The Executive Director –cum-Treasurer in his/her capacity as Treasurer shall oversee all funds; facilitate collection of the annual dues and co-ordinate with Executive Director and Secretary of IACA Committee all financial matters relating to APACA.
Section 4. Removal of an Officer for Cause. An officer who is incapable of fulfilling the duties of office or appropriately representing APACA in the duties of that office, shall either resign or be subject to removal by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may remove such an Officer by an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Executive Committee members present and voting at any business meeting of the Executive Committee, called for the purpose. A vote for removal shall occur only after the officer against whom such action is proposed, has been advised of the same and has been given reasonable opportunity to present a defense before the Executive Committee.

Article VII – Advisors

The Executive Committee shall appoint to itself as many Advisors as it may consider appropriate, out of senior members of the actuarial profession and/or out of eminent members of consulting fraternity. The immediate past-Chairperson shall be an Advisor ex officio.

Article VIII – Amendments

The APACA may amend its Rules from time to time by the following procedure:
Section 1: Any proposed amendment must be approved by a majority of the members of the whole Executive Committee.
Section 2: As soon as practicable after approval by the Executive Committee, but not less than thirty-five (35) days prior to the date set by the Executive Committee for the return of ballots, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be sent by Executive Director to all the members.
Section 3: An amendment shall be submitted to IACA Committee for approval only if approved by at least two-thirds (2/3), plus one, of the members who express their vote.

Section 4: All rule amendments under Article VIII shall be effective only after IACA Committee has approved the same.

Article IX - Prohibition Against Private Inurement

No part of the net earnings of APACA shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, Executive Committee members, or officers, or other private persons, except that the APACA Executive Committee shall be authorized and empowered, subject to the approval of the IACA Committee, to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered in furtherance of its objectives and to purchase items needed for the reasonable conduct of its business.

Article X – IACA Directives

APACA will abide by the directives, if any, issued by the IACA Committee from time to time.

Article XI - Dissolution
Dissolution of the APACA and distribution of its remaining assets, after payment or provision for payment of all lawful debts, shall be determined by the IACA Committee.

Article XII – Effective Date:
These rules shall come in to effect on the date of approval by the IACA Committee.



IFRS Foundation IFRS Conferenceでの発表を無事に終える

7月27日火曜日のInternational Actuariesの集いは、溜池山王にあるレストランで行ったが、17名の外人アクチュアリーが参加してお互いのネットワークで懇親し情報交換を行うことができた。なかには、インドネシアでコンサルティング・アクチュアリー会社の社長をされているAPACAメンバーのRisza Bambang 氏も参加していただけた。彼は、翌日の7月28日から二日間にわたってマンダリン・オリエンタル東京ホテルで2日間に渡って開催された国際財務報告基準財団のIFRS Conferenceにあわせて来日したものである。私の発表は、初日の朝のセッションで、9時半からIASBの山田理事がまずテクニカルアップデートを発表され、その次に住友生命の阿比野常務がPreparer's Perspectiveとして会社(経営者)の立場で発表され、私はActuarial Perspectiveと題して発表させていただいた。その後40分ほどQ&Aセッションで会場の質問と討議をおこなった。大多数の会場参加者は日本人だったので、発表は結局日本語でおこない同時通訳がつく形になった。質問は、すべて外人からであった。随分と前から準備していたので、あわてることはなかったが、与えられた発表時間が30分と限られていたので話すべき内容を時間内に必要十分なだけきちんと話すのは緊張もあり相当大変であった。発表資料に関心のある方は、yokozuna03@gmail.comまで連絡いただきたい。この大会が終わった翌日7月30日の朝には、とうとう待ちに待った保険IFRSの公開草案(Exposure Draft)がIASBのホームページで公開された。IASBのウェブサイトは、次のとおりである。これから、国内外の諸団体が11月末までにコメントレターを出していくことになる。
それにしても、このIFRS Foundation Conferenceというのは、IASBの理事の方々が大勢来日され、多数の国内外の会計関係者や監督当局の皆様とも、懇親・意見交換をすることができ、自身にとっても大変貴重な経験をさせていただけた。


International Actuariesの集いを7月27日に開催

To promote interaction between international actuaries, Hideyuki Yoshida
(chairman of APACA) and Alycia Slyck (SOA International Section Counsel
member and Regional Ambassador) would like to invite you to a social dinner
with drinks to exchange ideas about the actuarial profession from a global
perspective on July 27th. This gathering is being held in conjunction with
the IFRS conference (http://www.informaglobalevents.com/event/IASBAsia) to
allow for our international visitors to join.

Please see the attached invitation.

If you are interested in joining, please respond no later than July 22nd,
2010 by emailing Alycia Slyck (alycia_slyck@manulife.com).

We look forward to your participation and conversation! Please forward to
others that may be interested.

Kind Regards,
Alycia Slyck, ASA, MAAA
Manager, Financial Reporting
Manulife, Japan

Hideyuki Yoshida
Director Chief Actuary
Actuarial Services
Assurance - Financial Services
PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata



6月の7日から9日までPwCの業務でパリの事務所に出張した。保険IFRSに関する専門チームの会議に参加した。パリは、ケープタウンの前の2006年国際アクチュアリー会議(International Congress of Cotuaries; ICA)が開催されて依頼の4年ぶりの訪問であった。雨の日もあったが、基本的には日本と同じく初夏のような気候でエレガントなパリの街は輝いていた。出張前に、保険IFRSについては、日本の主要保険会社の保険計理人やアクチュアリー会理事の皆さんにアンケートを実施していた。結果は、ようやくスライドにまとめることができて、回答に協力いただけた皆様にこの週末にお送りした。皆様の多様な意見が聞けて大変に参考になった。この場でも、感謝したい。いよいよ保険IFRSの公開草案が、7月中には出る確率が高くなっているようである。まだ、6月23日にIASB/FASB Joint Boards Meetingで残りの論点を審議するようであるが、大枠は固まってきているように思われる。 私も7月28日に東京で開催されるIASC Foundation IFRS Conferenceでの発表に向けてスライドの準備にそろそろ着手しなくてはならない。


新体制での第一回IACA会議開催 APACAの定款作成に取り組む

ケープタウンの総会における選挙で、Ken BuffinにChairmanを引き継いだが、新体制でのIACA電話会議が5月5日に開催された。議案は次のとおりであった。

IACA Committee Agenda - FINAL
5 May 2010
8:00am to 9:30 am Eastern Time

Information Agenda

I. Treasurer’s Report Morten Harbitz
II. Global Development Subcommittee Report Hideyuki Yoshida
III. Membership Services and Development Subcommittee Report Liyaquat Khan
IV. Professionalism Subcommittee Report Emmanuel Tassin
V. Publications and Research Subcommittee Report Andrew Vaughan &
John Schubert
VI. Executive Director’s Report Margaret Sherwood
VII. IAA-appointed Delegates’ Report Nick Dumbreck &
Mike Toothman
VIII. Schedule of Future Meetings Margaret Sherwood

Consent Agenda

IX. Approve Minutes of 6 March 2010 Committee Meeting Morten Harbitz
X. Approve Posting Minutes of 8 March 2010 General Meeting Morten Harbitz
XI. Approve Minutes of 8 March 2010 Committee Meeting Morten Harbitz
XII. Support Rules of Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA) Liyaquat Khan


XIII. Appointment of Ibrahim Muhanna to fill unexpired Committee Member’s Term Hideyuki Yoshida
XIV. Appointment of Haris Santoso to fill unexpired Committee Member’s Term Hideyuki Yoshida

Discussion Agenda

XV. 2012 Hong Kong Joint PBSS/IAAHS/IACA Colloquium Ken Buffin
XVI. Utilization of IACA Reserve Funds Morten Harbitz
XVII. Members’ Value Proposition Liyaquat Khan
XVIII. IACA Website Development Liyaquat Khan
XIX. IACA Committee Structure and Organization Ken Buffin
XX. Collaboration with Benefits & Compensation International Publication Ken Buffin
XXI. Membership of Function Subcommittees Ken Buffin
XXII. Membership of 2012 Nominating Committee Ken Buffin
XXIII. Future ACA, CCA, APACA, EAAC, and other Conferences Nick Salter
XXIV. Other Business Ken Buffin

この中で、私として力を入れているのは、APACA(Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries)のrules(定款)の策定である。現時点でも、まだ委員の間から修正案がでているが、ほぼ固まってきたのでドラフトを掲載する。いずれは、IAAのIACAのWebsiteに載せる予定である。

Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries

RULES of the Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA)
(ver. 1.00/May2010) – confirmed by the IACA Committee on [ ] 2010

Article I - Name, Organizational basis, and Location

Section 1. Name: This organization shall be named “Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries,” hereinafter referred to as the “APACA.”
Section 2. Organizational basis: The APACA, a sub-section of International Association of Consulting Actuaries (IACA), a section of the International Actuarial Association (IAA), is a not-for-profit organization and is subject to all the rules that are applicable to IACA.
Section 3. Functional Jurisdiction and Location: The functional jurisdiction of APACA shall be the countries falling within geographic areas commonly called South Asia and Asia-Pacific (hereinafter referred to as the APACA Region) and its office shall be the same as that of IACA. However, for the sake of expediency, APACA may relocate its administrative office to any of the countries within the APACA region.
Section 4. Maintenance of Records and Website: All books and records of the APACA including minutes, records of account, records of members, rules, etc., shall be kept as such records of IACA are kept. The APACA Website shall be a section of the IACA Section Website on the IAA Website.

Article II – Objectives

Article 2 of IACA rules provide:
i) To facilitate the exchange of views and information on an international basis among consulting actuaries on matters affecting their professional responsibilities and business interests.
ii) To encourage and assist in the development of consulting actuarial associations in locations where there is an identifiable need for actuarial skills.

In pursuance of the above IACA Objectives, the APACA is expected to:
• achieve the second objective of the IACA rules for the countries within the APACA Region;
• enhance actuarial consulting capacity in the APACA region and facilitate growth of the consulting market;
• create a networking framework among the consulting actuaries;
• have functional focus over the APACA region.
Within the framework of the above provisions, the key objectives of APACA shall be to:
1) organize IACA sessions in each biennial EAAC conference:
2) arrange more frequent meetings on an “as needed” basis, for example joint seminars or web casts with local and/or other actuarial associations;
3) work with governments and other bodies where appropriate: meet with local politicians, government officials and other bodies to share APACA’s views on legislative developments which affect actuarial consulting;
4) create and maintain a membership database so as to facilitate networking activities and extending other services to APACA members;
5) promote and maintain high professional and ethical standards among its members;
6) enable actuaries engaged in consulting practice and recipients of consulting advice to discuss common issues;
7) promote the interchange of information among actuaries and the various actuarial organizations;
8) keep the public informed of the profession and of the responsibilities of the professional actuary in practice;
9) residual functions: to take all other actions that are considered necessary for enhancement of status of consulting actuaries in the APACA region.

In order to achieve these objectives, APACA shall hold meetings, publish proceedings and discussions, conduct studies, make or sponsor investigations, and undertake such other activities as may appear desirable and necessary.

Article III - Membership

APACA members have to be members of IACA and thus:
i) any existing IACA member irrespective of place of residence can opt to be a member of APACA;
ii) any new IACA member at the point of admission has to indicate whether APACA membership is required;
iii) all rules of membership of IACA apply ipso facto to APACA members;
iv) the APACA membership has to be co-terminus with IACA membership.

Article IV - Meetings of the APACA

Section 1. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the APACA shall be held each calendar year at such place as is designated by the APACA Executive Committee. However, the first Executive Committee including the officers nominated by IACA Committee shall continue in office until the AGM in the year 2014.
E mail notice of the date and place of the AGM shall be sent to the membership by the Executive Director at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such meeting. For all meetings, attendance by a member whether in person or through conference call shall constitute a waiver of this notice provision.
Section 2. Business Meetings. Business meeting either in person or through conference call shall be held as often as decided by the Executive Committee or the Chairperson, provided that at least four meetings shall be held in each calendar year. An e mail notice of each such meeting shall be sent at least ten days in advance.
Section 3. Meeting attendance and voting. Each member will be entitled to cast one vote upon all matters brought before the annual or any business meeting. There shall be no voting by proxy at any meeting. All APACA members shall be entitled to participate in the AGM and the business meetings are to be attended by the Executive Committee members only. Advisors are entitled to attend the AGM as well as business meetings.
Section 4. Quorum. The quorum required to conduct any business shall be one-tenth (1/10) of the APACA members for the AGM and fifty percent of the Executive Committee for the business meetings.

Article V – The Executive Committee

Section 1. Composition. The Executive Committee of the APACA shall consist of not more than eighteen elected members by procedure as prescribed herein after, excluding the Vice-Chairperson nominated by the IACA Committee, provided, however, that the first set of Executive Committee members shall be nominated by the IACA Committee and shall not constitute as elected members for the provisions of this rule.

Section 2. Responsibility. The Executive Committee is responsible to the IACA Committee.

Section 3. Election and Term of Office. All members of the Executive Committee shall be members of IACA. At each AGM of the APACA, beginning with the AGM in the year 2014, one-third of the members of the Executive Committee as on the date of announcement of the election plus existing vacancy/ies, if any, shall be elected, each to serve for a period of three years beginning with the date of the AGM held after the election results are announced, and shall continue until a successor has been elected. Additional members of the Executive Committee shall be elected as needed to fill any existing vacancy for the unexpired term.
For the purpose of counting one third, fraction of a number shall be ignored and members as nominated to the first Executive Committee shall be exhausted first, drawn by random lot, if required.
An elected member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election at the expiration of his or her term of office, provided that no member shall be eligible for re-election after having served as a member for two immediately prior consecutive termsfor which he or she were elected, disregarding any period for which he or she was elected to fill a casual vacancy.
Any member ineligible for re-election under the preceding paragraph shall be eligible for election as a member after a period of one year has elapsed since he or she last served as an elected member of the Executive Committee.
No election to the Executive Committee shall cause more than three members from any one firm, proprietorship, or organization to serve as Executive Committee members at the same time.

Section 4. Duties. Within the generality of provisions of Article X, the Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the APACA. It shall fill all casual Executive Committee vacancies, for a period up to the next Annual Meeting, occasioned by death or resignation or from any other cause; authorize the appointment of such committees as it may deem necessary for the conduct of its affairs; appoint the members of any audit committee; promulgate rules of professional conduct for members of the Executive Committee and interpretations relating thereto; authorize the compensation of all employees; and assign any additional duties to officers and committees.

Section 5. Accounting Practice. The Executive Committee shall manage their accounting in compliance with standard accounting practice.

Section 6. Discharged. Other than expiration of office, a member of the Executive Committee may be discharged :
a. In the event of his or her death
b. In the event of his or her permanent disability
c. In the event of his or her resignation
d. For failure to fulfill criteria as referred to in Article V, section 2.

Article VI - Officers

Section 1. Composition. Officers of the APACA shall consist of a Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons, one of which shall be nominated by the IACA Committee, and an Executive Director cum-Treasurer. However in due course and as and when decided by the Executive Committee, there shall be appointed one Secretary –cum-Treasurer or a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers shall be members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Election and Term of Office. At the AGM of the APACA, beginning with the AGM in year 2014, the Executive Committee members present, by a vote of a majority, shall elect from among the members of the incoming Executive Committee, separately and in the order named, a Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson and an Executive Director –cum- Treasurer, to serve from the close of that AGM for two years.
Except as herein provided, the Vice-Chairperson not being a nominated to that office by the IACA Committee, or an Executive Committee member in the absence of such a Vice-Chairperson an Executive Committee member duly elected by the Executive Committee, shall succeed the Chairperson at the close of the AGM in the year 2014, subsequent to his or her election, and shall serve as Chairperson for two years concurrent with other officers elected for two years term.
In the event that the office of the Chairperson become vacant, the Vice Chairperson not being a nominated Vice-Chairperson, shall serve as Chairperson until the next AGM. At such meeting, the Executive Committee members, by a vote of a majority of the whole Executive, shall elect a Chairperson to serve from the close of such meeting until the close of the next AGM.
A Vice-Chairperson shall not be eligible for re-election at the meeting when he or she has served as Vice -Chairperson for a period of two consecutive years.
A retiring Chairperson who was elected as Chairperson shall thereafter be permanently ineligible for election to the office of Chairperson..
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-Chairperson not being a Vice-Chairperson nominated by IACA, or the Executive Director or any other office/s created in due course the Executive Committee shall, by majority vote of the whole Executive Committee, elect a successor to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
Section 3. Duties. In addition to such duties as may be assigned to officers from time to time by the Executive Committee, the officers shall perform the following:
a) Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all Business meetings and the Annual Meeting and shall appoint all Sub-Committees, Working Groups, and Task Forces as authorized to do so by the Executive Committee.
b) Vice-Chairpersons. Each Vice Chairperson shall have such duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson or by the Executive Committee.
d) Executive Director - cum- Treasurer. The Executive Director shall record and file minutes of all business meetings and the Annual Meeting; send all notices of meetings; oversee the APACA affairs; and in general perform all customary duties of the office of the Executive Director.
e) The Executive Director –cum-Treasurer in his/her capacity as Treasurer shall oversee all funds; facilitate collection of the annual dues and co-ordinate with Executive Director and Secretary of IACA Committee all financial matters as relate to APACA.
Section 4. Removal of an Officer for Cause. An officer who is incapable of fulfilling the duties of office or appropriately representing APACA in the duties of that office, shall either resign or be subject to removal by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may remove such an Officer by an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Executive Committee members present and voting at any business meeting of the Executive Committee, called for the purpose. A vote for removal shall occur only after the officer against whom such action is proposed, has been advised of the same and has been given reasonable opportunity to present a defense before the Executive Committee.

Article VII – Advisors

The Executive Committee shall appoint Advisors to itself, as many as it may consider appropriate, out of senior members of the actuarial profession and/or out of eminent members of consulting fraternity. The immediate past-Chairperson shall be an Advisor ex officio.

Article VIII – Amendments

The APACA may amend its Rules from time to time by the following procedure:
Section 1: Any proposed amendment must be approved by a majority of the members of the whole Executive Committee.
Section 2: As soon as practicable after approval by the Executive Committee, but not less than thirty-five (35) days prior to the date set by the Executive Committee for the return of ballots, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be sent by Executive Director to all the members.
Section 3: An amendment shall be submitted to IACA Committee for approval only if approved by at least two=third (2/3), plus one, of the members who express their vote. All members must be given notice of the proposed amendment. Notices shall be effective five (5) days after the mailing thereof when sent to the e mail address on record of APACA data base.

Section 4: All rule amendments under this Article VIII shall be effective only after IACA Committee has approved the same.

Article IX - Prohibition Against Private Inurement

No part of the net earnings of APACA shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, Executive Committee members, or officers, or other private persons, except that the APACA Executive Committee shall be authorized and empowered, on request being made to IACA Committee, to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered in furtherance of its objectives and to make purchases for all items needed for the reasonable conduct of its business.

Article X – IACA Directives

APACA will abide by the directives, if any, issued by the IACA Committee from time to time.

Article XI - Dissolution
Dissolution of the APACA and distribution of its remaining assets, after payment or provision for payment of all lawful debts, shall be determined by the IACA Committee.

Article XII – Effective Date:
These rules shall come in to effect on the date of approval by the IACA Committee.



IASC Foundation IFRS Conference - Tokyoでのスピーカーを依頼される

ケープタウンから帰国した3月15日の日付で、IASB(国際会計基準審議会)ChairmanのSir David Tweedie卿から書状が届き、7月28-29日に東京で開催される IASC Foundation IFRS Conferenceにおいて、保険IFRSのついて、アクチュアリーの視点でスピーカーになってもらいたいとの依頼をうけた。大変名誉なことでもあり、浅学ながらこれから十分勉強する覚悟でお引き受けした。保険会計の国際基準の動向は、この業界にいる人であれば誰でもが知っていることであるが10年以上も検討を重ねて、一度PhaseIで暫定基準が発表され、積み残しはPhase2の検討にゆだねられていた。それに国際アクチュアリー会(IAA)も保険会計部会を中心に技術的アドバイスを行って連携ししてきて何年にもなるのだが、いよいよその公開草案(ED; Exposure Draft)が今年の6月中には出ることになりそうであり、このタイミングでスピーカーになるのは、大変な覚悟をもって直前の膨大な資料を解読しなくてはならない。関係各位の協力を得て、できるだけ正確で内容のあるものができればと思っている。IASBのホームページからのリンクは、次のとおりとなっている。


Cape Townから帰国。IACA Chairmanの2年の任期を終える

3月1日から15日まで、南アフリカのCape Townで開催されたIAAの定例ミーティングと、4年に一回開催されるInternational Congress of Actuaries(国際アクチュアリー大会; 29th ICA)に参加するために出張してきた。出発前は、治安が悪いとの評判で随分と心配したが、結果何事もなく帰国することができた。2部にわけて、体験を報告したい。今回は、長期間なので多数のミーティングが開かれ、議長として最後の務めを果たした。
1.IAA Meeting
IACA関係 meetings

March 6: IACA Committee meeting Agenda
I. Secretary’s Report Morten Harbitz

A. Approve minutes of 1 February 2010 conference call

II. Treasurer’s Report Morten Harbitz

III. Nominating Committee Report Hideyuki Yoshida

IV. 2010 Biennial Meeting - 8-10 March with ICA Meeting - South Africa Mike Codron

A. IACA General Meeting – 8 March 5:00 to 5:45 pm Local Time
B. IACA New Committee Meeting – 8 March 6:00 to 6:30
Local Time
C. IACA Committee Dinner – 8 March 8:00 pm Local Time and new members and accompanying persons plus a few speakers and
their accompanying persons
D. IACA Lunch – 10 March 12:15 to 1:30 pm Local Time – Regular
lunch set aside for IACA –
Includes accompanying persons.
E. Last Minute Program Issues, if any

V. Convention Function Subcommittee Nick Salter, Chair

A. 4 February 2010 – IACA/ACA – Gatwick, England Nick Salter
B. 24-27 October 2010 - CCA – Rancho Mirage, CA – Planning
Meeting Ken Hohman
in March 18 and 19 2009
C. EAAC 2011 Conference - Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
Hideyuki Yoshida

VI. Next Biennial Meetings Hideyuki Yoshida

A. 2012 – Hong Kong? - With PBSS and IAAHS Hideyuki Yoshida
B. 2014 - 30 March - 4 April with ICA meeting - Washington, DC,
USA not yet assigned
C. 2016 – Europe-Spain? Probably with PBSS and IAAHS
not yet assigned
D. 2018 – Sydney? Berlin? With ICA meeting
VII. Function Subcommittees’ Reports – Membership, Terms of Reference,
and Action Plans

A. Professionalism Committee Emmanuel Tassin
B. Publications and Research Joint Committee Andrew Vaughan
C. Membership Services Development Committee Liyaquat Khan
D. Global Development Committee Hideyuki Yoshida

VIII. Executive Director’s Report Margaret Sherwood

A. Max Lander Award in 2010 – Nominee approved by Executive
B. Geoffrey Heywood Young Consultants Award Task Force – On
hold for now.
C. Bylaws – On hold for now.
D. Policies and Procedures Manual – On hold for now.
E. Colloquium Attendance and Cost History – On hold for now.

IX. IAA Governance and Strategic Plan – Update Nick Dumbreck

X. APACA Update Liyaquat Khan

XI IACA Section Website Revamp Update Liyaquat Khan

XII. Other Business Hideyuki Yoshida

XIII. Next Committee Meetings Hideyuki Yoshida

A. Meeting – New Committee - 8 March 2010 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Local Time – Cape Town,
South Africa (11:00 am to 11:30 am Eastern time)
B. Will set up conference calls by e-mail between March and
October meetings. How many?
C. Meeting – 10-13 October 2010 – Vienna, Austria
D. Meeting – 5-8 April 2011 – Sydney, Australia
E. Meeting – 29 September – 2 October 2011 – Zagreb, Croatia
F. Meeting – 23-26 May 2012 – Los Angeles, United States
G. Meeting – Fall 2012 - TBD
H. Meeting – 23-26 May 2013 – Netherlands
I. Meeting – Fall 2013 - TBD
J. Meeting – 26-29 March 2014 – Washington, DC (in conjunction
with the ICA 2014)

March 6: Council Meeting Activity Report, IACA Global development committee lunch meeting.(省略)

March 8 IACA General Meeting(IACA 総会)
Biennial General Meeting
Cape Town, South Africa
8 March 2010
Welcome Hideyuki Yoshida

1. Approval of Prior Minutes Morten Harbitz

2. Outgoing Chair’s Report Hideyuki Yoshida

3. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report Morten Harbitz

4. New Committee Members Nick Dumbreck
Or Mike Toothman

5. Proposed Election of New Officers Hideyuki Yoshida
(Election to be done by new IACA Committee)

Chair – Ken Buffin
Vice Chair – Andrew Vaughan

No election required for the following:

Past Chair – Hideyuki Yoshida (automatic)
Secretary/Treasurer – Morten Harbitz (years 3 and 4 of four-
              year term)
Executive Director – Margaret Sherwood (years 3 and 4 of
              four-year term)

6. Incoming Chair’s Comments Ken Buffin

Biennial General Meeting (Speech by Hideyuki Yoshida)
Welcome ladies and gentlemen. My name is Hideyuki Yoshida and I am honoured to be here to Chair the Biennial General Meeting of the IACA Section, in conjunction with the 29th ICA2010. First of all, I would like to give many thanks to the organizing committee for doing a wonderful job in coordinating this event. Also, I would like to thank those of you who have traveled a long distance to be here today. I hope you will all enjoy your stay here in Cape Town throughout the conference.
A lot has happened within these past two years since our last General Meeting that was held in Boston, including the progress that has been made by each functional subcommittee to expand IACA and to accomplish various action plans. This progress was possible because of the hard work and efforts put forth by the main IACA committee, the four subcommittees and senior advisors, as well, all of those who have contributed in any sort of way by either lending support or speaking in seminars and conferences, but above all, I believe the most important factor is due to the continued involvement and active participation of all of you, thank you.
And now, I would like to give the floor to Morten to begin with the Approval of Prior Minutes.
Thank you, Morten. So here is a summary of main activities that have happened in the past two years.
Next, Morten, could you explain the Secretary Treasurer’s Report.

Thank you, Morten. Next, Nicholas (Mike), could you introduce the New Committee Members

Thank you Nicholas (Mike), I would also like to thank the retiring committee members once more for their hard work and effort.
The proposed new officers are as follows
And now, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the incoming Chair of IACA, Ken Buffin, to say a few words.
Thank you Ken, this concludes today’s general meeting. Thank you everyone for your participation.
Just another quick announcement, would the new IACA committee members please head on over to room “XYZ” for our first committee meeting, Thank you.

March 8 IACA New Committee Meeting after election

March 8 IACA Dinner Meeting

総会が無事に終了した後で、新旧IACA委員会メンバーとIACAでIACA Trackで講演をするゲストを招いて、Water FrontのHildebrand Restaurantというところで晩餐会をおこなった。そこでの、私のスピーチは以下のとおりである。

Good evening and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, members and guests. The general meeting this afternoon went smoothly. Once again, I would like to congratulate the newly elected officers for the upcoming term. And to the retiring committee members, thank you for all of your hard work and support in the past two years, you were definitely most integral to the success of our operations. Last, but not least, I would like to give recognition to Andrew Vaughan, the Chair of the Publications Subcommittee. Andrew has compiled a history book on the 40 years of IACA and he will be distributing it for your perusal. Thank you, and enjoy the meal.

March 10 IACA Lunch Meeting
IACAの恒例のセレモニーで、2年に一回コンサルティングアクチュアリーとして顕著な貢献をしたアクチュアリーにMax Landar賞を授与する。Agendaは、次のとおり。
Lunch Events
Cape Town, South Africa
10 March 2010

1. Welcome Hideyuki Yoshida

2. IACA History Book Andrew Vaughan

3. Max Lander Award Brent Walker

4. Announcement of Officers Hideyuki Yoshida

Chair – Ken Buffin
Vice Chair – Andrew Vaughan

No election required for the following:

Past Chair – Hideyuki Yoshida (automatic)
Secretary/Treasurer – Morten Harbitz (years 3 and 4 of four-
              year term)
Executive Director – Margaret Sherwood (years 3 and 4 of
four-year term)

5. Transition to New Chair and Passing of the Gavel
Hideyuki & Ken

6. Current Members Ken Buffin

7. Thanks to Members Leaving Committee Ken Buffin

8. New Members Ken Buffin

Chairman's Speech

1. Welcome Speech Hideyuki Yoshida

Good afternoon all, I hope everyone is enjoying the conference so far. With most of the administrative tasks having been completed and out of the way, please sit back and enjoy the meal, and along the way, I would like to turn your attention to the carrying out of several of IACA’s traditions in the recognition of past achievements and the transition of leadership. As well, Andrew Vaughan, Chair of the publications subcommittee will be distributing a history book on the last 40 years of IACA. If you haven’t already received a copy, please take one for your perusal.

2. Max Lander Award Hideyuki Yoshida

Now I would take a moment to announce the recipient of the Max Lander award. This award is named in honour of one of IACA’s founders, and it is given to an actuary who has contributed significantly to the public awareness of the actuarial profession, and to the promotion of the business of actuarial consulting. This time around, the award goes to Klaus Heubeck from Germany. Unfortunately, due to logistics reasons, Mr. Heubeck is unable to join us in this conference. But nonetheless, we will be delivering this Ferrari to his home in Germany in recognition of his achievements.

3. Announcement of Officers Hideyuki Yoshida

Chair – Ken Buffin
Vice Chair - Andrew Vaughn

No election required for the following:

Past Chair – Hideyuki Yoshida (automatic)
Secretary/Treasurer – Morten Harbitz (years 3 and 4 of four-
              year term)
Executive Director – Margaret Sherwood (years 3 and 4 of
              four-year term)

And now, I would like to extend a formal welcome to the new leadership team. As I call out your name, please come up to the podium.
Please welcome our new Chair, Ken Buffin.
Our Vice Chair, Andrew Vaughan
Our Secretary Treasurer, Morten Harbitz
And our Executive Director, Margaret Sherwood
4. Transition to New Chair Hideyuki & Ken
I would like to thank the retiring executive committee members once more for all of your support in the past two years. And finally, as my final duty as Chair, Ken, I hereby pass this gavel of leadership to you with confidence.
5. New Members Ken Buffin

6. Thanks to Members Leaving Committee Ken Buffin

2. 29th ICA(International Congress of Actuaries)



私は、コンサルティング・セクションIACA Track全体をIACA Chairmanとして、プログラム編成統括した。
私自身の発表は、"Peer Review"パネル。 また、モラル・ハザードの司会を担当した。
これだけの、会議とスピーチとプレゼン資料の準備をしてCape Townに臨んだ。私は、無事に日本人として始めてのIACAの会長の任期を満了し、開放感と充実感で喜びを感じている。今後も、IACAのPast Chairmanとして引き続き2年間は委員会に関与する。また、私が創設したアジア・パシフィック地域のコンサルティング協会APACAについては、当面、私がChairmanを継続し、アジア地域のコンサルティング・アクチュアリー業界の発展に尽くしていきたい。


Cape Town大会でIACAの40年の歴史の本の出版

英国から帰国してまだ2週間程度だが、Cape TownでのIAA会議が3月の1日から6日まで開催される。その次の週は、29thICAで4年に一回の国際アクチュアリー会議が開催されるので長期の出張をする。私は、IACA Chairmanとしての任期をこの大会で終えてImmediate Past Chairmanとなる予定である。年次大会に向けての諸準備、国際会議では"Peer Review"のパネルで発表する。また、モラル・ハザードのパネルの司会を務める予定である。IACA委員会では、選挙委員会(Nominating Committee)を立ち上げて、新委員の選任プロセスを進めている。また、私が2年前に議長になった時に、IACAは40年の歴史を持っていたが、その記録が文書化されていなかったので、本の発行を提案した。そして、このCape Town大会で出版の見通しとなった。最終章は、私が出版時の議長として執筆する責任を負った。以下が、その原稿のドラフトになるが、本になるのが楽しみである。また、コンサルティングアクチュアリーの歴史を知りたい人は、是非、これを購入して参考にして欲しい。

May 2008 – March 2010 – By Hideyuki Yoshida

Biennial General Meeting – 2008

The IACA Biennial General Meeting held on May 5th, 2008 in Boston was conducted in conjunction with the Joint Colloquium sponsored by IACA, IAHHS, and PBSS. For the first time, three IAA sections joined together as full partners to conduct a Joint Colloquium. The Joint Colloquium was an outstanding success in nearly all respects. Of particular interest were several sessions focused on the expanding area of microinsurance, including presentations by many of the foremost experts in that field. Attendance was approximately 200 individuals from 34 countries. The only disappointing aspect of the Colloquium was the relatively low number of registrants from the U.S., which could have been improved by having better collaboration with some of the U.S. actuarial organizations.

During the Biennial General Meeting, IACA elected new Committee members. The new Committee membership, listed alphabetically, was as follows:

Zainal Abidin Mohd-Kassim Malaysia
Barbara Addie Canada
Kenneth Buffin United States
Michael Codron South Africa
Morten Harbitz Norway
Kenneth Hohman United States
Grace Jiang China
Liyaquat Khan India
Nicholas Salter United Kingdom
Margaret Sherwood United States
Janina Slawski South Africa
Segundo Tascon Mexico
Emmanuel Tassin France
Michael Toothman United States
Alexander Van Stee Netherlands
Andrew Vaughn United Kingdom
Gerd Warnke Germany
Hideyuki Yoshida Japan

This election included the implementation of a decision taken by the Committee during the past year to invite both the Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA, UK) and the Conference of Consulting Actuaries (CCA, US) to suggest one of their members to be nominated as an IACA Committee member. The ACA and the CCA had accepted our invitation to name one of their members as a nominee to the IACA Committee and we appreciated their working with us to further achieve the objectives of the IACA Section. In addition, officers for the upcoming two-year period were nominated. The slate proposed by the Nominating Committee (and there were no nominations from the floor) was as follows:

Chair Hideyuki Yoshida Japan
Vice-Chair Kenneth Buffin United States
Past Chair Michael Toothman United States
Secretary Treasurer Morten Harbitz Norway
Executive Director Margaret Sherwood United States

At the same meeting, IACA also held a dinner to celebrate its 40th anniversary as an organization. Highlights of this dinner included remarks from Geoffrey Haywood, our Founding Chair; the awarding of the second Max Lander Award, named in honor of one of IACA’s founders and given to an actuary who has contributed to the public awareness of the actuarial profession and to the promotion of the business of actuarial consulting; and the passing of the gavel of leadership from Michael Toothman to Hideyuki Yoshida. Hideyuki became the first Asian to assume such a position of leadership of an IAA section.

The recipient of the second Max Lander award was Paul Thornton (UK), an outstanding contributor to actuarial consulting over his career and continuing into the present as the President of IAA (January 2010). The inaugural recipient of this award was Jim MacGinnittie (US), two years ago in Paris.

Functional Subcommittees

Hideyuki Yoshida, IACA Chair (2008 – 2010), established as a first priority for the Committee to achieve full-scale activation of three existing functional subcommittees, covering Professionalism, Publications and Research, Membership Services and Development, as well as create a new subcommittee for Global Development, led by Hideyuki himself. Each functional subcommittee sent an observer delegate to related IAA committees to achieve better collaboration between the Section and Committee. An organization chart of the IACA had been drafted by Hideyuki to better facilitate visibility of each functional subcommittee’s role and linkage to the IAA committees (see attached chart).

The following are the summaries of activities for each functional subcommittee (2008 – 2010).

IACA - Membership Services and Development Committee (MSDC)
Originally titled, “Membership Services”, the IACA Membership Services and Development Committee was renamed and re-constituted in April 2009 with Liyaquat Khan as Chair, and the following members:

Liyaquat Khan, Chair
Barbara Addie
Ken Buffin
Ken Hohman
Nick Salter
Margaret Sherwood
Martin Stevenson
Jay Jaffe
Nick Dumbreck (also an Observer on the IAA Member Services Committee representing IACA MSDC)

The Committee had finalized its Terms of Reference, Objectives and Action Plan for the years 2009 and 2010, which were later approved during the IACA Executive Committee meeting on May 30th 2009 in Tallinn. The Committee had proposed for itself a very forward looking and aggressive plan and aimed to shore-up the Actuarial Consulting globally within a two-year timeframe.

A significant number of members did not have e-mail on the IACA data records. Over November and December of 2009, with the help of Society of Actuaries in the US and the Institute of Actuaries in UK, efforts were made to obtain e-mail ids with considerable success.

Communication with members had been sent to all IACA members on matters pertaining to general interest such as offerings from ILO, SoA Seminar on Living to 100 years and re: IACA- international consulting actuaries directory and housing an international reference library for consulting actuaries on IACA website (in a "members only" page).

Christian Levac at the IAA Secretariat is personally involved in the redesigning of the IACA Section Website. The following were the proposed changes:

• Enabling survey of members so as to obtain feedback on members’ level of satisfaction with IACA offerings, need for seminars/workshops/webinars and similar events.
• Hosting Directory of members’/consulting firms.
• Hosting Library of past convention papers (already in progress by Christian), Papers and Presentations.
• Enabling high degree of networking.
• Enabling IACA leadership to achieve high degree of Public Relations with membership.

Publications & Research Committee
Andrew Vaughan continued to serve in the leadership role as Chair of this subcommittee where he had previously been responsible for producing a members’ newsletter and other information.
Other objectives for this subcommittee include:
• Prepare a newsletter on a regular basis, possibly linked to the IAA newsletter, and posted on the website
• Publicize the professional and technical papers and presentations from the Joint International Colloquia and meetings
• Co-ordinate content between the websites of IACA and other IAA Sections

A project is in progress to write a brief history of IACA and an outline of plans for the future development of IACA with a goal of publishing a booklet ready for distribution at the time of ICA2010 in Cape Town.

As part of researching IACA's history all of the main Committee's minutes are in the process of being archived and loaded onto IACA's website along with as many Transactional papers as possible from the biennial meetings that have taken place over the years.

Professionalism Committee
Hideyuki originally appointed Mike Codron as Chair of this subcommittee; however, due to the heavy burden of leading the 2010 ICA IACA Section Programs, Mike Codron resigned the role and as a result, Emmanuel Tassin stepped in as Chair. Emmanuel indicated that in Europe, CEIOPS had created lots of work for actuaries in Europe. Morten Harbitz was a delegate appointed by Den Norske Aktuarforening to the IAA’s Professionalism Committee who serves in the role of liaison to IACA concerning relevant activities arising from proceedings of the IAA Professionalism Committee.

Global Development Committee
The purpose of the new Global Development Committee was to meet one of the objectives stated in IACA rule Article 2 a) ii), namely, to encourage and assist in the development of consulting actuarial associations in locations where there is an identifiable need for actuarial skills.

Article 2 implies that IACA should fulfill a role of helping in countries or regions in the development of actuaries as consultants and by helping to establish and develop a forum for consulting actuaries either within IAA member associations or as a separate association, and to encourage the formation of an IAA member association where there is none. These objectives may be best accomplished in co-ordination with the IAA Advice and Assistance Committee. The Global Development Committee will also work in cooperation with the IAA Supranational Relations Committee, the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the World Bank, and other relevant organizations.

On January 8th, 2009, Ken Hohman, Nick Salter, and Hideyuki had a conference call. The objective of this meeting was that before discussions were activated on this topic in the Global development committee, Hideyuki felt that it would have been helpful to understand the operations, objectives, and history of two existing actuarial consulting associations in the USA and the UK. There was much to have been learned from the existing, well-established actuarial consulting organizations -- ACA (UK) and CCA (US), who operated under slightly different models. Ken and Nick provided presentation materials concerning ACA and CCA. At the Global Development Committee conference call held on February 24th, 2009 there was an interesting discussion. Hideyuki planned to utilize the EAAC Conference in October of 2009 in Korea for the forming of the new organization – the Asia Pacific Regional Actuarial Consultants Organization. There was a need for a task force (Asia Pacific Task Force, who later became the founding committee of APACA) to establish this organization that was discussed at the meeting in Tallinn. Upon the establishment of this organization, the next regions in line were Latin America and Africa. Ken Buffin had been appointed as the IACA delegate to IAA’s Advice & assistance committee.

There appeared to be good opportunities to capitalize on the prospective development of the consulting actuarial profession globally. China had recently established a professional actuarial association; however, several developed countries including Canada and Japan, where the actuarial profession is well established and advanced, do not have an association for consulting actuaries.

Other Conventions and Colloquia

IACA representatives participated in the PBSS Colloquium held in Tokyo, October 4th - 6th, 2009, and in the 15th East Asian Actuarial Conference (EAAC) held in Seoul on October 12th – 15th, 2009. Separate sessions were designated for IACA in each of these two conferences. The respective presentations are available at http://4thpbsstokyo.visitors.jp/index.html and http://www.eaac15th.org. During the EAAC proceedings in Seoul, a special inaugural meeting was held to launch the Association of Asia Pacific Consulting Actuaries (APACA).

In fulfillment of the IACA Committee decision, the Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA) was formally inaugurated with a presentation by Chair, Hideyuki Yoshida, during the 15th EAAC in Seoul on October 14th, 2009. The inaugural meeting was well attended and featured brief supporting speeches by Ken Buffin, Stuart Leckie and Liyaquat Khan.
The founding members of APACA are shown in table below.

Name Role in APACA Country
Hideyuki E. Yoshida Chair Japan
Ken Buffin Vice Chair USA
Liyaquat Khan Executive Director/Treasurer India
Ken Hohman CCA delegate USA
Nick Salter ACA delegate UK
Grace Jiang   China
Patrick Gin Guan Cheah   Malaysia
Martin Stevenson   Australia
Wong, Ka-Man   Hong Kong
Mark Saunders   Hong Kong
Ken Sugita   Japan
Risza Bambang   Indonesia
Haris Eko Santoso   Indonesia
Chan Young Han   Korea
Yin Lawn   Taiwan
Andrew Leung   Thailand
Maistry, Gavin   Singapore

The UK Association of Consulting Actuaries Chairman Keith Barton invited IACA delegates to attend their members’ conference scheduled on Thursday the 4th, and Friday the 5th of February 2010 at Gatwick UK to give presentations on international consulting matters. The general theme of the conference was “Facing the future”. Chairman Hideyuki Yoshida accepted the invitation and traveled to UK to attend the conference. On the first day, he gave a presentation with the title “The Day After Tomorrow for the Asian Life Insurance Industry, Pensions, and their Implications to Actuarial Consulting “. This presentation is available at

Also, IACA committee member Alexander van Stee gave a presentation on “The Dutch Pension Market” On Friday February 5th, Hideyuki also gave a speech on “ Newly founded Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries; APACA”.

Into the Future

Hideyuki had also taken initiatives to strengthen the IACA Committee’s convention functions to prepare for the upcoming IAA-related conferences. The most important of these were the IACA meetings and events during the 29th ICA in Cape Town, and the year 2012 Joint colloquium with PBSS and IAAHS. The IACA nominations committee was activated by having its first conference call on January 28th, 2010, and a subsequent one on February 9th, 2010 to prepare for the election of new committee members at the General Meeting scheduled on March 8, 2010.

A joint Colloquium of IACA, PBSS, and IAAHS was proposed in May 2008 to be held in India in 2012. Following a discussion that took place in Hyderabad in November of 2009, regarding certain criteria for hosting and selecting locations for joint colloquia, the three Sections decided to reconsider the matter and proceeded with deliberations in a series of conference calls. Ultimately, in late December, 2009 the three Section chairs concluded that India was not a viable option and directed the IACA Committee to seek other destinations. The APACA executive committee discussed this matter, and at a following meeting of the three Section Chairs, Singapore and Hong Kong were suggested as possible destinations. After contacting the two actuarial associations in Singapore and Hong Kong, the IACA Committee received favorable responses expressing interest in hosting the 2012 joint colloquium from both associations. We expect to make a selection of the preferred destination on March 8th at the IACA General meeting with the agreement of the leadership of PBSS and IAAHS.

The ad hoc task group led by Mike Codron has organized seven sessions for ICA 2010 to be held in Cape Town in early March of 2010. The presentations planned are as follows:
• The Consulting Actuary: Entrepreneur and Professional
• Micro-insurance
• Peer Review
• Pension Fund Investment Strategies and Models
• Retirement Provisions in Developing Economies
• Impact of World Economic situation on Actuarial Consulting
• Walking Through Moral Hazard Minefields.

In addition there will be a general meeting, a meeting for the new IACA committee, a dinner for committee members and a lunch for all IACA members.

At the Biennial meeting in Cape Town, Hideyuki Yoshida will pass the gavel of leadership to his successor, who will continue to lead IACA to meet the new demands of a rapidly developing world; as well, a new recipient of the Max Lander award will be announced. IACA will continue to expand; it will create more functional committees, organize events and conventions to meet the new demands of an ever changing world. IACA will provide consulting actuaries with the collaboration tools networking opportunities needed to continue to be innovative and acquire the necessary expertise. With this, we actuaries can help our clients make sound decisions and respond effectively to change. In order to do so, it will require the effort of not just a few regions, but of all of the knowledge in the world combined, in one collaborative effort to pave the way to a promising future.



前回のブログから、1ヶ月が経過してしまった。その間、やはり英国コンサルティング協会(ACA)での発表準備に相当の時間をとられてしまった。APACA諸国の委員に協力を要請して、金融危機後の保険業界のインパクトとその後の回復ぶりについて、各国の統計データで示してもらって、それを150ページのスライドにまとめた。タイトルは、「The Day After Tomorrow for the Asian Life Insurance Industry, Pensions, and their Implications to Actuarial Consulting 」とした。年金についても、各国に要請して、それぞれ3ページほど追加してもらった。ちなみに、日本は、アクチュアリー会の杉田副理事長がお引き受けいただけた。2月3日に成田を出発して、同じ日の夕刻にヒースロー空港に到着し、そこから高速バスで、Gatwick空港のヒルトンホテルに2時間くらいかけて移動した。その日は、疲れてはいたが、ACAの会長のKeith Barton氏に晩餐会の招待をうけていたので、8時から11時くらいまで懇親をして、翌日以降の段取りの打ち合わせをした。
翌日の2月4日の午後から、IACA Sectionの発表が始まった。私は3番目で、150ページのスライドを1時間英語で話すのは相当大変だった。でも、結構の質問がでた。時間の関係で、最後はclosing Remarksでまとめておいた文書を読み上げて締めくくった。その日の晩餐会は、相当に盛大なものであった。300名位の英国のコンサルタントが、出席した。写真は、Keith Barton会長と撮ったものである。ロイヤル・トーストという表現を、そこで初めて経験した。トースト ツー クイーン(女王陛下に乾杯)という言葉で全員が乾杯する。日本では、考えられないことだが、これが英国の伝統というものなのだろう。翌日の2月5日からが、ACAの英国の本会議で、朝の9時頃からの開始であった。最初は招待講演で、Nigel Waterson氏で、政治家のShadow Pension Ministerが英国の年金制度の改革の方向性について語った。その後で、私に順番がきてAPACAの創設についてIACAの会長としてスピーチをした。聴衆は、イギリスのコンサルティングアクチュアリーだけで、300名ほどいた。夕刻は、Kay Carberry女史(assistant General Secretary, Trade Union Congress)が、Challenge for good employersと題して招待講演された。前日もそうであったが、英国のコンサルティング協会は、政治家との接点がある。日本では、まだまだ政治家とアクチュアリーとのロビーイングは、行われていない。
The financial crisis revealed weaknesses and flaws in the regulatory and risk management systems of companies. Many financial companies failed to mitigate the risks presented by the financial crisis despite having these systems.
This also holds true for the Asian financial market as indicated by statistical data throughout the period. As a result, Enterprise Risk Management is now the main focus for implementation and operating efforts of insurance companies. Regulators have also tightened measures in minimum capital requirements following developments such as Solvency II in Europe.
Fears of a global recession saw the need for International Cooperation in order to revive the world’s financial systems. This called for the involvement of the G20, rather than the original G8 countries. In addition to the original G8, the new G20 (19 countries and the EU) now includes additional countries, with the most number of countries coming from Asia. These additions are Australia, China, India, Indonesia and South Korea.
The effect of the financial crisis on the Asian insurance industry was relatively mild with indicators revealing signs of recovery as early as 2009. With proper risk management and by bringing relevant actuarial expertise, we can ensure a thriving market for actuary consulting in the continued development of the overall Asian insurance industry.



2010年に入って初めてのブロクとなる。まずは、新年明けましておめでとうございます。若手の皆さんも12月末のアクチュアリー試験が終わって事務所に戻ってきた。私の方は、郷里の新潟に帰省するだけの短い正月休みだった。12月17日にAPACAの進発電話会議を行って、多いに盛り上がったことを年末に記載した。英国のコンサルティングアクチュアリー協会(ACA; Association of Consulting Actuaries)から、IACAのChairmanとして2月の上旬にGatwickで開催される年次大会で"Facing the Future"という全体のトピックに沿った内容で講演を依頼されていた。3月のCape Townの国際アクチュアリー大会もあるし、どうしたものか迷っていたが、APACAの諸国の委員の協力が得られる見通しになったので、出張してアジアのコンサルティング市場の現状と将来についてプレゼンをしてくることとした。また、日本と比べて格段にコンサルティングの需要が高い英国市場におけるACAの活動とはどのようなものなのか見聞してくることとした。以下は、招待状である。

                              26 October 2009
H Yoshida Esq
Shin-Marunouchi Building
32nd Floor
1-5-1 Marunouchi
TOKYO 100-6532
Our Ref: 1026nssw.1/

Dear Hideyuki
ACA Meeting – Gatwick 4 February 2010
I am writing to you in your capacity as Chairman of IACA and the Founder and Chairman of APACA.
As you are aware, I am organising the IACA Conference which forms part of the ACA Conference at Gatwick in February 2010. This is a Conference for consulting actuaries in the UK and the IACA part of it covers international issues which will be of interest to UK actuaries. The theme for the conference this year is “Facing the Future”.
I would be delighted if you would be able to attend the conference and present a paper of your choice on the theme of “Facing the Future” drawing on your experience of consulting issues for actuaries in the Asia Pacific region. This would also give you the opportunity of introducing to UK consulting actuaries the existence of APACA and its aims and objectives.
I do appreciate that the UK is a long way to travel from Japan but I do hope that you might be able to fit this into your schedule.
I look forward to hearing from you as to whether you would be able to attend this conference and, if so, what the content of your talk might cover.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.
Yours sincerely

Nick Salter
Partner, Barnett Waddingham LLP
Chairman of the IACA/ACA Conference