3月1日から15日まで、南アフリカのCape Townで開催されたIAAの定例ミーティングと、4年に一回開催されるInternational Congress of Actuaries(国際アクチュアリー大会; 29th ICA)に参加するために出張してきた。出発前は、治安が悪いとの評判で随分と心配したが、結果何事もなく帰国することができた。2部にわけて、体験を報告したい。今回は、長期間なので多数のミーティングが開かれ、議長として最後の務めを果たした。
1.IAA Meeting
IACA関係 meetings
March 6: IACA Committee meeting Agenda
I. Secretary’s Report Morten Harbitz
A. Approve minutes of 1 February 2010 conference call
II. Treasurer’s Report Morten Harbitz
III. Nominating Committee Report Hideyuki Yoshida
IV. 2010 Biennial Meeting - 8-10 March with ICA Meeting - South Africa Mike Codron
A. IACA General Meeting – 8 March 5:00 to 5:45 pm Local Time
B. IACA New Committee Meeting – 8 March 6:00 to 6:30
Local Time
C. IACA Committee Dinner – 8 March 8:00 pm Local Time and new members and accompanying persons plus a few speakers and
their accompanying persons
D. IACA Lunch – 10 March 12:15 to 1:30 pm Local Time – Regular
lunch set aside for IACA –
Includes accompanying persons.
E. Last Minute Program Issues, if any
V. Convention Function Subcommittee Nick Salter, Chair
A. 4 February 2010 – IACA/ACA – Gatwick, England Nick Salter
B. 24-27 October 2010 - CCA – Rancho Mirage, CA – Planning
Meeting Ken Hohman
in March 18 and 19 2009
C. EAAC 2011 Conference - Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
Hideyuki Yoshida
VI. Next Biennial Meetings Hideyuki Yoshida
A. 2012 – Hong Kong? - With PBSS and IAAHS Hideyuki Yoshida
B. 2014 - 30 March - 4 April with ICA meeting - Washington, DC,
USA not yet assigned
C. 2016 – Europe-Spain? Probably with PBSS and IAAHS
not yet assigned
D. 2018 – Sydney? Berlin? With ICA meeting
VII. Function Subcommittees’ Reports – Membership, Terms of Reference,
and Action Plans
A. Professionalism Committee Emmanuel Tassin
B. Publications and Research Joint Committee Andrew Vaughan
C. Membership Services Development Committee Liyaquat Khan
D. Global Development Committee Hideyuki Yoshida
VIII. Executive Director’s Report Margaret Sherwood
A. Max Lander Award in 2010 – Nominee approved by Executive
B. Geoffrey Heywood Young Consultants Award Task Force – On
hold for now.
C. Bylaws – On hold for now.
D. Policies and Procedures Manual – On hold for now.
E. Colloquium Attendance and Cost History – On hold for now.
IX. IAA Governance and Strategic Plan – Update Nick Dumbreck
X. APACA Update Liyaquat Khan
XI IACA Section Website Revamp Update Liyaquat Khan
XII. Other Business Hideyuki Yoshida
XIII. Next Committee Meetings Hideyuki Yoshida
A. Meeting – New Committee - 8 March 2010 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Local Time – Cape Town,
South Africa (11:00 am to 11:30 am Eastern time)
B. Will set up conference calls by e-mail between March and
October meetings. How many?
C. Meeting – 10-13 October 2010 – Vienna, Austria
D. Meeting – 5-8 April 2011 – Sydney, Australia
E. Meeting – 29 September – 2 October 2011 – Zagreb, Croatia
F. Meeting – 23-26 May 2012 – Los Angeles, United States
G. Meeting – Fall 2012 - TBD
H. Meeting – 23-26 May 2013 – Netherlands
I. Meeting – Fall 2013 - TBD
J. Meeting – 26-29 March 2014 – Washington, DC (in conjunction
with the ICA 2014)
March 6: Council Meeting Activity Report, IACA Global development committee lunch meeting.(省略)
March 8 IACA General Meeting(IACA 総会)
Biennial General Meeting
Cape Town, South Africa
8 March 2010
Welcome Hideyuki Yoshida
1. Approval of Prior Minutes Morten Harbitz
2. Outgoing Chair’s Report Hideyuki Yoshida
3. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report Morten Harbitz
4. New Committee Members Nick Dumbreck
Or Mike Toothman
5. Proposed Election of New Officers Hideyuki Yoshida
(Election to be done by new IACA Committee)
Chair – Ken Buffin
Vice Chair – Andrew Vaughan
No election required for the following:
Past Chair – Hideyuki Yoshida (automatic)
Secretary/Treasurer – Morten Harbitz (years 3 and 4 of four-
year term)
Executive Director – Margaret Sherwood (years 3 and 4 of
four-year term)
6. Incoming Chair’s Comments Ken Buffin
Biennial General Meeting (Speech by Hideyuki Yoshida)
Welcome ladies and gentlemen. My name is Hideyuki Yoshida and I am honoured to be here to Chair the Biennial General Meeting of the IACA Section, in conjunction with the 29th ICA2010. First of all, I would like to give many thanks to the organizing committee for doing a wonderful job in coordinating this event. Also, I would like to thank those of you who have traveled a long distance to be here today. I hope you will all enjoy your stay here in Cape Town throughout the conference.
A lot has happened within these past two years since our last General Meeting that was held in Boston, including the progress that has been made by each functional subcommittee to expand IACA and to accomplish various action plans. This progress was possible because of the hard work and efforts put forth by the main IACA committee, the four subcommittees and senior advisors, as well, all of those who have contributed in any sort of way by either lending support or speaking in seminars and conferences, but above all, I believe the most important factor is due to the continued involvement and active participation of all of you, thank you.
And now, I would like to give the floor to Morten to begin with the Approval of Prior Minutes.
Thank you, Morten. So here is a summary of main activities that have happened in the past two years.
Next, Morten, could you explain the Secretary Treasurer’s Report.
Thank you, Morten. Next, Nicholas (Mike), could you introduce the New Committee Members
Thank you Nicholas (Mike), I would also like to thank the retiring committee members once more for their hard work and effort.
The proposed new officers are as follows
And now, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the incoming Chair of IACA, Ken Buffin, to say a few words.
Thank you Ken, this concludes today’s general meeting. Thank you everyone for your participation.
Just another quick announcement, would the new IACA committee members please head on over to room “XYZ” for our first committee meeting, Thank you.
March 8 IACA New Committee Meeting after election
March 8 IACA Dinner Meeting
総会が無事に終了した後で、新旧IACA委員会メンバーとIACAでIACA Trackで講演をするゲストを招いて、Water FrontのHildebrand Restaurantというところで晩餐会をおこなった。そこでの、私のスピーチは以下のとおりである。
Good evening and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, members and guests. The general meeting this afternoon went smoothly. Once again, I would like to congratulate the newly elected officers for the upcoming term. And to the retiring committee members, thank you for all of your hard work and support in the past two years, you were definitely most integral to the success of our operations. Last, but not least, I would like to give recognition to Andrew Vaughan, the Chair of the Publications Subcommittee. Andrew has compiled a history book on the 40 years of IACA and he will be distributing it for your perusal. Thank you, and enjoy the meal.
March 10 IACA Lunch Meeting
IACAの恒例のセレモニーで、2年に一回コンサルティングアクチュアリーとして顕著な貢献をしたアクチュアリーにMax Landar賞を授与する。Agendaは、次のとおり。
Lunch Events
Cape Town, South Africa
10 March 2010
1. Welcome Hideyuki Yoshida
2. IACA History Book Andrew Vaughan
3. Max Lander Award Brent Walker
4. Announcement of Officers Hideyuki Yoshida
Chair – Ken Buffin
Vice Chair – Andrew Vaughan
No election required for the following:
Past Chair – Hideyuki Yoshida (automatic)
Secretary/Treasurer – Morten Harbitz (years 3 and 4 of four-
year term)
Executive Director – Margaret Sherwood (years 3 and 4 of
four-year term)
5. Transition to New Chair and Passing of the Gavel
Hideyuki & Ken
6. Current Members Ken Buffin
7. Thanks to Members Leaving Committee Ken Buffin
8. New Members Ken Buffin
Chairman's Speech
1. Welcome Speech Hideyuki Yoshida
Good afternoon all, I hope everyone is enjoying the conference so far. With most of the administrative tasks having been completed and out of the way, please sit back and enjoy the meal, and along the way, I would like to turn your attention to the carrying out of several of IACA’s traditions in the recognition of past achievements and the transition of leadership. As well, Andrew Vaughan, Chair of the publications subcommittee will be distributing a history book on the last 40 years of IACA. If you haven’t already received a copy, please take one for your perusal.
2. Max Lander Award Hideyuki Yoshida
Now I would take a moment to announce the recipient of the Max Lander award. This award is named in honour of one of IACA’s founders, and it is given to an actuary who has contributed significantly to the public awareness of the actuarial profession, and to the promotion of the business of actuarial consulting. This time around, the award goes to Klaus Heubeck from Germany. Unfortunately, due to logistics reasons, Mr. Heubeck is unable to join us in this conference. But nonetheless, we will be delivering this Ferrari to his home in Germany in recognition of his achievements.
3. Announcement of Officers Hideyuki Yoshida
Chair – Ken Buffin
Vice Chair - Andrew Vaughn
No election required for the following:
Past Chair – Hideyuki Yoshida (automatic)
Secretary/Treasurer – Morten Harbitz (years 3 and 4 of four-
year term)
Executive Director – Margaret Sherwood (years 3 and 4 of
four-year term)
And now, I would like to extend a formal welcome to the new leadership team. As I call out your name, please come up to the podium.
Please welcome our new Chair, Ken Buffin.
Our Vice Chair, Andrew Vaughan
Our Secretary Treasurer, Morten Harbitz
And our Executive Director, Margaret Sherwood
4. Transition to New Chair Hideyuki & Ken
I would like to thank the retiring executive committee members once more for all of your support in the past two years. And finally, as my final duty as Chair, Ken, I hereby pass this gavel of leadership to you with confidence.
5. New Members Ken Buffin
6. Thanks to Members Leaving Committee Ken Buffin
2. 29th ICA(International Congress of Actuaries)
私は、コンサルティング・セクションIACA Track全体をIACA Chairmanとして、プログラム編成統括した。
私自身の発表は、"Peer Review"パネル。 また、モラル・ハザードの司会を担当した。
これだけの、会議とスピーチとプレゼン資料の準備をしてCape Townに臨んだ。私は、無事に日本人として始めてのIACAの会長の任期を満了し、開放感と充実感で喜びを感じている。今後も、IACAのPast Chairmanとして引き続き2年間は委員会に関与する。また、私が創設したアジア・パシフィック地域のコンサルティング協会APACAについては、当面、私がChairmanを継続し、アジア地域のコンサルティング・アクチュアリー業界の発展に尽くしていきたい。
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