To promote interaction between international actuaries, Hideyuki Yoshida
(chairman of APACA) and Alycia Slyck (SOA International Section Counsel
member and Regional Ambassador) would like to invite you to a social dinner
with drinks to exchange ideas about the actuarial profession from a global
perspective on July 27th. This gathering is being held in conjunction with
the IFRS conference (http://www.informaglobalevents.com/event/IASBAsia) to
allow for our international visitors to join.
Please see the attached invitation.
If you are interested in joining, please respond no later than July 22nd,
2010 by emailing Alycia Slyck (alycia_slyck@manulife.com).
We look forward to your participation and conversation! Please forward to
others that may be interested.
Kind Regards,
Alycia Slyck, ASA, MAAA
Manager, Financial Reporting
Manulife, Japan
Hideyuki Yoshida
Director Chief Actuary
Actuarial Services
Assurance - Financial Services
PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata
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